Image & Diagram Components

User Guide → Image & Diagram Components

Images & Diagrams

The image components here provide convenient syntax & styling abstractions on top of raw HTML and Markdown images. Diagrams, in the form of inline PlantUML components are also supported.


A pic component allows you to add captions below the image.


<pic src="" width="300" alt="Logo" lazy>
  MarkBind Logo


Logo MarkBind Logo


Name Type Default Description
alt string This must be specified.
The alternative text of the image.
height string The height of the image in pixels.
src string This must be specified.
The URL of the image.
The URL can be specified as absolute or relative references. More info in: Intra-Site Links
width string The width of the image in pixels.
If both width and height are specified, width takes priority over height. It is to maintain the image's aspect ratio.
lazy boolean false The <pic> component lazy loads if this attribute is specified.
Either the height or width should be specified to avoid layout shifts while lazy loading images.

If you want to display images that are automatically linked to its image URL, such that one can click on the image to view the full image, take a look at MarkBind images.

<pic src="" width="300" alt="Logo" lazy>
  MarkBind Logo
Logo MarkBind Logo


An annotate component allows you to easily annotate over any images.

Annotate wrappers (<annotate>) are used in conjunction with Annotate Points (<a-point>).

  • <annotate>: Annotate wrappers are used to hold the image and set its width and height.
  • <a-point>: Annotate points define the position, text and style of each point within the image. Insert them between the Annotate wrappers.

The x and y coordinates of each Annotate Point are relative to the image and are written in percentage of total width or height.


<annotate src="../../images/annotateSampleImage.png" width="500" alt="Sample Image" lazy>
  <!-- Minimal Point -->
  <a-point x="25%" y="25%" content="This point is 25% from the left and 25% from the top" />
  <!-- Customize Point Size (default size is 40px) -->
  <a-point x="50%" y="25%" content="This point is 50% from the left and 25% from the top"  size="60"/>
  <!-- Customize Point Header (default is empty) -->
  <a-point x="75%" y="25%" content="This point is 75% from the left and 25% from the top"  header="This has a header"/>
  <!-- Customize Point Color (default color is green) -->
  <a-point x="25%" y="50%" content="This point is 25% from the left and 50% from the top"  color="red"/>
  <!-- Customize Point Opacity (default opacity is 0.3) -->
  <a-point x="50%" y="50%" content="This point is 50% from the left and 50% from the top"  opacity="0.7"/>
  <!-- Customize Point Label (default is empty) -->
  <a-point x="25%" y="75%" content="This point is 25% from the left and 75% from the top" label="1"/>
  <!-- Customize Text Color (default color is black) -->
  <a-point x="50%" y="75%" content="This point is 50% from the left and 75% from the top"  textColor="white" color="black" label="2" opacity="1"/>
  <!-- Customize Font Size (default font size is 14) -->
  <a-point x="75%" y="75%" content="This point is 75% from the left and 75% from the top"  fontSize="30" label="3"/>
  <!-- Customize Label (default is a rounded button) -->
  <a-point x="75%" y="50%" content="This point is 75% from the left and 50% from the top">
    <span class="badge bg-primary">Badge label</span>


Sample Image

Use markdown in the header, label and content

Annotate Points supports markdown in the header, label and content.


<annotate src="../../images/annotateSampleImage.png" width="500" alt="Sample Image">
  <a-point x="25%" y="25%" content="# Content" />
  <a-point x="50%" y="25%" header=":blush:" />
  <a-point x="75%" y="25%" label=":heart:"/>


Sample Image

Customising shapes for Annotate Point

Annotate Points supports different shapes and customisation.

The default shape used is a rounded button.

When using a customised shape, the options shape, color and opacity will not work.

Style the shape to achieve the same effect.


<annotate src="../../images/annotateSampleImage.png" width="500" alt="Sample Image">
  <a-point x="40%" y="-2%" content="Look within this box">
    <div style="width: 330px; height: 150px; border: 2px solid red; margin: 20px auto;"></div>
  <a-point x="50%" y="75%" content="You should pay attention to this!">
    <div style="opacity: 90%; color: red; font-size: 40px">!!</div>


Sample Image

Using triggers and positions for Annotate Point

Similar to popovers, Annotate Points also support different types of triggers and positions for users with different needs.


<annotate src="../../images/annotateSampleImage.png" width="500" alt="Sample Image">
  <!-- Default Trigger (click)-->
  <a-point x="33%" y="33%" content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" />
  <!-- Set Trigger to hover focus -->
  <a-point x="66%" y="33%" content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" trigger="hover focus"/>
  <!-- Set Popover Placement (click)-->
  <a-point x="25%" y="66%" content="Popover on the left" placement="left"/>
  <a-point x="50%" y="66%" content="Popover on the bottom" placement="bottom"/>
  <a-point x="75%" y="66%" content="Popover on the right" placement="right"/>
  <!-- Both trigger and popover placement hover focus -->
  <a-point x="50%" y="66%" content="Popover on the bottom" placement="bottom" trigger="hover focus"/>


Sample Image

Displaying content as legends in Annotate Point

<a-point> allows users to display its content inside a popover or as a legend below the diagram or both. However, the label attribute must be specified in <a-point> in order to display the content below the image.


<annotate src="../../images/annotateSampleImage.png" width="500" alt="Sample Image">
  <!-- Default Legend (popover only)-->
  <a-point x="25%" y="50%" content="There is only text when you click me" label="1"/>
  <!-- Set Legend to bottom only (no popover) -->
  <a-point x="50%" y="50%" content="Clicking on this does nothing" label="2" legend="bottom" header="Headers are displayed as well"/>
  <!-- Set Legend to both -->
  <a-point x="75%" y="50%" content="There is text at both locations"  label="3" legend="both" header="Headers are displayed at both positions"/>


Sample Image
2: Headers are displayed as well

Clicking on this does nothing

3: Headers are displayed at both positions

There is text at both locations

Sample use cases for Annotate

Here we showcase some use cases of the Annotate feature.

Example 1: Describing elements in an image


<annotate src="../../images/annotateSampleObject.png" height="500" alt="Sample Image">
  <a-point x="6%" y="50%" content="You can use a triangle and a solid line (not to be confused with an arrow) to indicate class inheritance." label="1" header="Class inheritance" legend="both"/>
  <a-point x="25.5%" y="50%" content="UML uses a solid diamond symbol to denote composition." label="2" header="Composition" color="red"  legend="both"/>
  <a-point x="45%" y="50%" content="UML uses a hollow diamond to indicate an aggregation."  label="3" header="Aggregation" color="blue" legend="both"/>
  <a-point x="64.5%" y="50%" content="Association labels describe the meaning of the association."  label="4" header="Association labels" color="yellow"  legend="both"/>


Sample Image
1: Class inheritance

You can use a triangle and a solid line (not to be confused with an arrow) to indicate class inheritance.

2: Composition

UML uses a solid diamond symbol to denote composition.

3: Aggregation

UML uses a hollow diamond to indicate an aggregation.

4: Association labels

Association labels describe the meaning of the association.

Example 2: Drawing over elements


<annotate src="../../images/annotateSampleSequence.png" height="500" alt="Sample Image">
  <a-point x="35%" y="18.5%" content="Operation is invoked" header="Operation"  opacity="0.2" size="30"/>
  <a-point x="65%" y="50%" content="This is the period during which the method is being executed" header="Activation Bar" opacity="0.3" size="50" color="yellow"/>
  <a-point x="14%" y="85%" content="Return control and possibly some return value" header="Return Value" opacity="0.2" size="30" color="blue"/>


Sample Image

<a-point> Options

Name Type Default Description
x String This must be specified.
The x-coordinate of the point.
Supports range of values from 0% to 100%.
y String This must be specified.
The y-coordinate of the point.
Supports range of values from 0% to 100%.
content[S] String '' Annotate Point content.
The annotation content will be omitted if this is not provided.
header[S] String '' Annotate Point header.
The header will be omitted if this is not provided.
trigger String click Popover trigger type.
Supports: click, focus, hover, or any space-separated combination of these.
placement String top Position of the Popover.
Supports: top, left, right, bottom.
label[S] String '' The label shown on the point itself.
The label will be omitted if this is not provided.
Note that labels should not be too long as they might overflow out of the point.
size String '40' The size of the point in pixels.
Does not work with customised shapes
color String 'green' The color of the point.
Supports any color in the CSS color format. E.g. red, #ffffff, rgb(66, 135, 245), etc.
Does not work with customised shapes
opacity String '0.3' The opacity of the point.
Supports range of values from 0 to 1.
Does not work with customised shapes
fontSize String '14' The font size of the label.
Supports any pixel size smaller than size of the point.
textColor String 'black' The color of the label.
Supports any color in the CSS color format. E.g. red, #ffffff, rgb(66, 135, 245), etc.
legend String 'popover' The position of the Annotate Point content and header.
The label property must be defined for it to be displayed in the legend.
Supports: popover, bottom, both.

<annotate> Options

This is effectively the same as the options used for the picture component.

Name Type Default Description
alt string This must be specified.
The alternative text of the image.
src string This must be specified.
The URL of the image.
The URL can be specified as absolute or relative references. More info in: Intra-Site Links
height string '' The height of the image in pixels.
width string '' The width of the image in pixels.
If both width and height are specified, width takes priority over height. It is to maintain the image's aspect ratio.
lazy boolean false The <annotate> component lazy loads if this attribute is specified.
Either the height or width should be specified to avoid layout shifts while lazy loading images.
<annotate src="../../images/annotateSampleImage.png" width="500" alt="Sample Image">
  <a-point x="25%" y="25%" content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" />
  <a-point x="50%" y="25%" content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" label="1a"/>
  <a-point x="50%" y="25%" content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" label="1b" legend="both"/>
Sample Image


A thumbnail component allows you to insert thumbnails using text, images, or icons.


<thumbnail circle src="../../images/deer.jpg" size="100"/>
<thumbnail circle text=":book:" background="#dff5ff" size="100"/>
<thumbnail circle text="___CS___" background="#333" font-color="white" size="100"/>
<thumbnail circle text=":fas-book:" font-color="darkgreen" border="3px solid darkgreen" size="100"/>

<thumbnail src="../../images/deer.jpg" size="100"/>
<thumbnail text=":book:" background="#dff5ff" size="100"/>
<thumbnail text="___CS___" background="#333" font-color="white" size="100"/>
<thumbnail text=":fas-book:" font-color="darkgreen" border="3px solid darkgreen" size="100"/>


📖 CS 📖 CS


Name Type Default Description
alt string This must be specified if src is specified
The alternative text of the image.
background string Specifies the background color.
Accepts any valid CSS background property
border string Specifies the border thickness, type, and color.
Accepts any valid CSS border property
circle boolean false If this option is enabled, the thumbnail will be circle shaped instead of square
font-color string The color of the text, affects normal text and icons (but not emojis)
font-size string Text size, defaults to half of size, affects text, icons and emojis
size string 100 The size of the thumbnail in pixels
src string The URL of the image.
The URL can be specified as absolute or relative references. More info in: Intra-Site Links
text string The text to use in the thumbnail, icons, emojis and markdown are supported here

If both text and src are specified, src will take higher priority.

<thumb circle src="" size="100"/>


PlantUML Diagrams

You can use the PlantUML syntax to add diagrams.

The following additional dependencies are involved when using this feature (locally and in your )

  • Java 8 or higher (required - to run the PlantUML JAR executable)
  • Graphviz or higher (optional - you don't need this if you are on Windows, or only need sequence diagrams and activity (beta) diagrams)
    • A warning will be displayed if you are using a non-Windows platform and don't have Graphviz installed. To disable this warning, you may modify your site.json like this.
    • An alternative layout engine, Smetana, is integrated into PlantUML and can be used to generate diagrams without a Graphviz installation. However, as the Smetana engine is a work in progress, certain layouts may not render correctly.


<puml width="300">
alice -> bob ++ : hello
bob -> bob ++ : self call
bob -> bib ++  #005500 : hello
bob -> george ** : create
return done
return rc
bob -> george !! : delete
return success


Alternatively, a PlantUML diagram can be specified in a separate .puml file and inserted into a page using a <puml> tag.



alice -> bob ++ : hello
bob -> bob ++ : self call
bob -> bib ++  #005500 : hello
bob -> george ** : create
return done
return rc
bob -> george !! : delete
return success

in another file:

<puml src="diagrams/sequence.puml" width=300 />


The full PlantUML syntax reference can be found at

More examples


Name Type Description
alt string The alternative text of the diagram.
height string The height of the diagram in pixels.
name string The name of the output file.
Avoid using the same name for different diagrams to prevent overwriting.
src string The URL of the diagram if your diagram is in another .puml file.
The URL can be specified as absolute or relative references. More info in: Intra-Site Links
width string The width of the diagram in pixels.
If both width and height are specified, width takes priority over height. It is to maintain the diagram's aspect ratio.
<puml width=300>
alice -> bob ++ : hello
bob -> bob ++ : self call

Sequence Diagram:

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

Component Diagram:

State Diagram:

Object Diagram:

Gantt Diagram:

Entity Relation Diagram:

Ditaa Diagram:

Archimate Diagram:

Mermaid Diagrams

This plugin allows you to utilize Mermaid by automatically importing the library and initializing the rendering of the diagrams.

Mermaid is a JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that renders Markdown-inspired text definitions to create and modify diagrams dynamically.

All supported diagrams are available in the Mermaid official documentation. Here are some examples to quickly get started!

To enable this plugin, add mermaid to your site's plugins.

  "plugins": [

Optional: Specify an alternative URL to load the Mermaid code

To create a Mermaid diagram, use the <mermaid> tag and provide the diagram definition within the tag. Usage of standard Mermaid syntax using the <pre class="mermaid"> block directly in Markdown files is also supported for users who prefer to do so.

Example Pie Chart:


pie title Pets adopted by volunteers
    "Dogs" : 386
    "Cats" : 85
    "Rats" : 15
<pre class="mermaid">
%%{init: {"pie": {"textPosition": 0.5}, "themeVariables": {"pieOuterStrokeWidth": "5px"}, 'theme': 'dark'} }%%
pie showData
    title Key elements in Product X
    "Calcium" : 42.96
    "Potassium" : 50.05
    "Magnesium" : 10.01
    "Iron" :  5


pie title Pets adopted by volunteers
    "Dogs" : 386
    "Cats" : 85
    "Rats" : 15
%%{init: {"pie": {"textPosition": 0.5}, "themeVariables": {"pieOuterStrokeWidth": "5px"}, 'theme': 'dark'} }%%
pie showData
    title Key elements in Product X
    "Calcium" : 42.96
    "Potassium" : 50.05
    "Magnesium" : 10.01
    "Iron" :  5

Example Flowchart:


flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B{Is it?}
    B -->|Yes| C[OK]
    C --> D[Rethink]
    D --> B
    B ---->|No| E[End]


flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B{Is it?}
    B -->|Yes| C[OK]
    C --> D[Rethink]
    D --> B
    B ---->|No| E[End]

Example User Journey Diagram:


    title My working day
    section Go to work
      Make tea: 5: Me
      Go upstairs: 3: Me
      Do work: 1: Me, Cat


    title My working day
    section Go to work
      Make tea: 5: Me
      Go upstairs: 3: Me
      Do work: 1: Me, Cat

Example Gitgraph Diagram:


    branch develop
    checkout develop
    checkout main
    merge develop


    branch develop
    checkout develop
    checkout main
    merge develop

The plugin automatically converts the <mermaid> tags into appropriate <pre> elements for rendering the diagrams using the Mermaid library.


A tree component allows you to generate tree-like visualisations, suitable for displaying folder structure.

Use indentation (2 spaces) to indicate the level of nesting.




C:/course/ ├── textbook/ │ └── ├── ├── └── site.json

Markdown unordered lists are also supported.


  - textbook/
  * textbook/
  + textbook/


C:/course/ ├── textbook/ └── C:/course/ ├── textbook/ └── C:/course/ ├── textbook/ └──

Besides file system structures, you can use this for any lightweight tree-like structure.


Enjoy MarkBind?
  You may want to:
    Like :heart:
    Share :speech_balloon:
    Contribute :pencil:


Enjoy MarkBind? └── You may want to: ├── Like ❤️ ├── Share 💬 └── Contribute 📝

You can use Tree in combination with inline Markdown or inline HTML elements.


Formatting is supported!
    ****Super Bold****
    !!Underline with {text=danger}!!{.text-danger}
    <span class="text-danger">RED</span>


Formatting is supported! ├── textbook/ │ └── ├── │ ├── │ ├── dimmed │ ├── Superscript │ ├── Super Bold │ ├── Underline │ ├── Underline with {text=danger} │ └── RED ├── ├── site.json ├── hello ├── 🚧 ├── └── 😃

Currently, Pop-Ups(tooltip/trigger) are not supported within a tree component.

You can refer to Formatting Contents to find more information about text styles and other supported inline syntax.

C:/course/ ├── textbook/ │ └── ├── ├── └── site.json